In town for the week for work. The hotel offers a bar/food. No complimentary breakfast, however the burrito was BALLIN, despite its $15 price. The gym is adequately equipped, rooms are pretty decent with their own sliding glass doors for easy outside access. 2 stars for the greatest let down of 2023 so far. Came back from dinner and noticed my TV remote was gone after room service came. I called the front desk, she said they’d have “someone look for one.” 15 minutes later, no call back. I called again, she said “my shift is ending but they’re looking for one.” Aka, “I’m off, not my problem.” I said it’s late at night, that doesn’t sound promising. She said she promises they’re looking right now. I guess her promises are like my wife’s when she says “tonight, I promise.” Lies. 45 minutes later, I lay here at 11:11, and it’s time to make a wish. I wish I could watch TV.
***Update***- JK. Still waiting.