We fly every month sometimes multiple times a month....Lately Southwest have delayed, cancelled, changed flights constantly. we can deal with it but when you get the plane we recently had to wait for one of the staff to show up....she finally arrived looking like she just got out of bed and sat and text on her cell the entire flight....not sure how the others let her....she was prvilidged I suppose....The caliber of flight staff had gone to a zero....they can't handle anything from mask mandates to seating to maybe announce to all of these new passengers thanks rot no-one having to work the proper way to de board....like wait your turn instead of running to the front......they tell you to put your seat forward but let people run like animals to deplane.......Lets face it attendants have very little to do anymore. How about trying to do at least the minimum of what your ask....we were also told that when a staff has their weekly hours in if the flight gets delayed they just go home.....passengers receive nothing....unless you ask and demand they want to pacify you with a 50 dollar voucher......whoopdee doooo... Pick another airline...after 7 years of flying strictly Southwest...we are spending our hard earned money elsewhere. we are A list flyers by the way....