After years of disliking AA because of poor customer service on every level, I now have another HUGE reason NEVER to fly them again! My husband and I are currently scheduled to fly out of Orlando tomorrow morning. Because of hurricane Ian, and the likelihood of the airport being closed tomorrow, we phoned AA to see about changing our flight to today, or to fly out of another regional airport. There was one flight out of Melbourne, but AA declared they would charge us an additional $785 for us to change our flight. My husband flys across the country each week, thus has status with AA (not that that actually means something anymore), but still not enough to warrant decent customer service, or prevent AA from extorting its loyal customers!! I fly Delta and United (have status with both) and this just reinforces my preference. Now my husband finally decided to boycott American Airlines too!!! American Airlines does not care about its customers… their actions and poor customer service demonstrate nothing else!