Paihia Restaurants with Outdoor Seating
Best Restaurants with Outdoor Seating in Paihia, Bay of Islands
Paihia Restaurants with Outdoor Seating
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Awards Travelers’ Choice Awards winners (including the “Best of the Best” title) are among the top 10% of listings on Tripadvisor, according to the reviews and opinions of travelers across the globe.
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Top Restaurants in Paihia
17 results match your filters
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Looking to expand your search outside of Paihia? We have suggestions.
199 reviewsClosed now
Bar, Seafood₱₱ - ₱₱₱Menu
490 reviewsClosed now
Quick Bites, Mexican₱Menu
1,281 reviewsClosed now
International, New Zealand₱₱ - ₱₱₱Menu
1,461 reviewsClosed now
Seafood, European₱₱ - ₱₱₱
1,842 reviewsClosed now
American, Bar₱₱ - ₱₱₱
176 reviewsClosed now
Quick Bites, Cafe₱₱ - ₱₱₱
Indian, European₱₱ - ₱₱₱
8 reviewsClosed now
Showing results 1-17 of 17