As I learned, there is a kind of competition between the beaches and ocean rock pools, which one is the most popular, the best equipped, the oldest, etc. Since I don’t want to be a judge in these rivalries, I just write down, that I found, without any comment. The Dee Why Ocean Rock Pool claimed to be made by God. There was a shallow, small natural pool, called Bogey Hole. In 1915, the local Surf Club excavated the pond, making it broader and more in-depth. Don’t expect an Olympic size swimming pool, just a bit bigger than the original was, enlarged to 5mx5m. In 1919 there were further changes made, and the bath became 33,5 m long.
Finally, in 1930 by the council, a children pool was added as a necessary improvement, and the main pool reached its current Olympic size, 50m x 21 m with eight lanes.
This pond has plenty of benefits. Easily accessible, has excellent public transport and plenty of free and paid parking spots. I wrote plenty, but on a hot summer day, maybe you won’t agree with me. The first open place may be quite far away. These are the disadvantages of popularity. After walking back to the pool from your car in +40C from close to 1 km away, hot and upset, don’t jump straight into the water. There are showers to cool you down, change rooms to get rid of your close sticking onto your sweaty body, and also toilets if this is what you need. After a good swim in the pool or the ocean (there are safeguards), plenty of restaurants are waiting for you on the Strand, or you can make your BBQ and have it on one of the picnic tables. There are sunny and shady places you choose. One thing for sure, this ocean rock pool won’t disappoint you.