Knowing very little about the topic, we were not sure what to expect from this museum, particularly as most museums/exhibits in the Old Town have very little explanation or historical context given, which had been frustrating. We were greeted warmly and shown how to use the interactive exhibits.
Within minutes we were extremely glad we had attended - the history of Yugoslavia was explained step by step in a clear way, with fascinating insights into day-to-day life and multiple varied and nuanced viewpoints presented (one poignant area displays two films side-by-side: one interviewing the director of the Goli Otok prison island, and one interviewing an ex prisoner there).
By the end of the exhibition we had learnt so much about a part of history that is not often heard about, and were excited to learn more. We felt closer to the history of Croatia and would recommend this easily over any of the 'museums' in the Old Town. Well worth the trip, and we very much enjoyed how the museum shop and bar tied in to some of the items seen in the exhibits.