Very good tour of this small museum with guide and stained-glass maker Izu. She explained in great and enjoyable detail how the process of painting on stained glass works and, for me, this has always been a bit of a puzzle. She patiently took questions and it was very interesting to see the techniques demonstrated in the context of what is one of the oldest functioning stained glass workshops in Europe. There were also two exhibitions at the museum of stained glass windows and of photographs and partial photographs of complete windows around the city, and glass by Wyspianski, Mehoffer et al. These exhibitions, however, were very frustrating and rather dumbed down and both were marred by clumsy mood music. Works of art don't need music to accompany them, they are their own poetry, and having to fight through musical layers to look at them is highly distracting. The worst of this was in the main exhibition where a constant drone of steels obtruded into the space. Instead of being able to enjoy and appreciate each work of art for its own singular atmosphere, the music coerced the mind into a single mood, a single, predetermined response. There seems to be, in Krakow (and often more generally) a massive anxiety among curators that museum visitors will be unable to enjoy the museum experience unless it is morphed into a TV like environment. (I'm thinking of the Rynek Underground and the city museum in particular). I would beg the curators at the stained glass museum to turn off the music, and let these wonderful works of art breathe as they were intended by their makers.