I experienced a jaunting cart tour on a recent visit to Ireland as part of a tour group. Personally, I was not that impressed with the Jaunting Cart ride. We took a tour into Killarney National Park, and our Jarvey, seemed nice enough, but we could not even understand the poor fella. He had such a thick irish brogue, and told these silly jokes about, honeymooners, honeymoons, etc, ??Nobody on the cart was on a honeymoon. We all laughed because we didn't have a clue as to what he was trying to say. Now, one of the gentleman from our group, rode up front, and was from Boston. Apparently, our Jarvey asked him a ton of questions about Travelers being in Boston, etc. So that lead him, to believe that maybe our Jarvey was a traveler, which I later found out, is a gypsy. I dont' know if he was or not.
Anyway, the ride took us to a old half demolished church/cemetary. We really had no idea what we were looking at, and two people in the tour ( we were part of a large tour group) were freaked out, because there was a fresh burial site at the cemetary. It didn't bother me, but I can see how some might not like it. I also thought some of the horse's were not very well groomed. Some looked like they had not been washed or brushed in quiet a while, and my hand was was filthy black after petting one of the horses. Also, one of the horses had a reddened area under his mane, when I moved the hair back, and a red area on his rump. Personally, this made me feel sad, and I found it to be depressing. The same horse was pulling a cart behind ours, and he kept bumping his head into our cart. The poor horse kept snorting and had that wild eye look the whole time. So, not only did I find the cart ride a tad boring ,I thought the horses could have been better groomed. I mean if this is your livelyhood, I would think the horse would be a prize asset, and washed and groomed and looking it's best. . Anyway, if you go on a Jaunting Car tour, find out where the Jarvey is going to take you as this can make a difference in an interesting ride or not, , make sure you can undesrtand him, for obvious reasons, and pick one who takes pride in a well groomed horse.