I was so looking forward to my first Royal Laurel Class experience on the EVA Air 787-10 from Taipei to Seattle. I had earlier arrived in Taipei from Bangkok aboard a 777 in Economy Class and I was very satisfied with the overall flight experience, except the fact that the flight attendants, while very please t and efficient, were more reactive than proactive, and gave customers the feeling that they were just rushed through the drink and meal service. Considering the flight was absolute packed, I had to give them the benefit of the doubt and thought…certainly a Royal Laurel Class flight at $2000 for the one leg (after a successful bid), would prove to be better and more attentive service, right? Wrong!
While the hard product is amazing, the soft product fell well short of expectations. Again, the flight attendants, while nice and pleasant, were totally reactive. Not once was I asked for another beverage, or checked in to see if there was anything else I would like to order from the menu. Not once! The cabin crew again speedily rushed through the first service, after which it was quickly lights out. For those who did not go immediately flat and to sleep (me), I was offered no additional service at all until the morning (breakfast) service started. For business class at that price point, the service overall was horrible. I’ve had better service on an 90 minute flight in economy from Istanbul to Bodrum, or from San Diego to Boise! Extremely disappointed with the service in this flight.
As for the food…I had heard so much about the incredible dining experience it is in RL Class on EVA. Well, this fell short too. As it was an evening flight I was looking forward to a welcome glass of champagne or craft cocktail, only to be offered water or juice. I very politely asked for a bloody Mary, which was delivered approximately 25 minutes later after takeoff. And, it was simply a small amount of vodka and tomato juice. The menu selections were limited (two main courses) with a fixed appetizer and desert. I must say, the pan seared scallop and prawn appetizer was a beautiful presentation, but was served ice cold. I opted for the Chef’s recommended short ribs. Tasty, but tough and fatty. The desert was basic and bland. For the “morning” service the options were lasagna or a fish dish. I chose the obnoxiously salty lasagna and it actually tasted like a Stouffer’s frozen selection from your grocer’s freezer.
Again, during the second service, the FAs scurried about like we all were in a rush. No offers for more water, another drink, more bread…anything. Just drop off and pick up. 100-percent reactive; an enormously disappointing 0-percent proactive service. Overall, the service was a huge disappointment. Not once during my entire flight was I approached and asked if I wanted or needed anything. On many occasions, the flight attendants would pass by saying that my glass was empty and never was I offered a refill. Approximately one hour prior to the breakfast service, I very politely asked for a cappuccino. It was not delivered until the second food service, nearly an hour later.
A couple of positives. The seat is very comfortable and easily fit my 6’2 frame lying down. The ambiance is beautiful with the starry lights. The entertainment options were average but the large touch-screen with accompanying screened remote were fantastic, as were the bedding, the very comfy Jason Yu PJ’s and the Ferragamo amenity kit.
Overall I am disappointed with this flight mainly because it could have and should have been so much better. It was the Lunar New Year and perhaps this had something to do with it, but I would hope that would increase the festive atmosphere of which there was none.
I compare this experience to my most recent business class journey with BA on the A380 from London to San Francisco. What a difference. The BA service was consistent and plentiful. Never was my glass dry or a desire ignored. Total, classy service, with a genuine smile. My assigned FA even found the time twice during the journey to sit, talk and visit with me. By the end of the flight we were friends on a first name basis (although he struggled not addressing me in formal British fashion).
So, in conclusion, at this price point for a 9.5 hour flight, I very well likely would not fly EVA Air again, nor would I recommend their Royal Laurel Business Class. My highly anticipated flight in Royal Laurel Class felt more like a Spirit flight to Las Vegas - very disappointing indeed.